
Hi friends, welcome to my digital garden!

I'm blaming Eko for all of this hahaha. We were talking about web as usual, like the absolute nerds we are, and I told them about my reflexion journey towards going back to old school blogs. I've always loved to customize my stuff, like this is one of the many, many reasons I'm on Linux and Android. I also aspire to be free from social media and the pressure that comes with it. At first, I wanted to just make an anonymous tumblr blog and blog over there, as I used to for the past 10 years (A decade on tumblr already? Geez!) but I don't know, I've been very hesitant. Tumblr hasn't been very kind on my mental health this summer, and while I adore the people I've met over there, I don't really want to go back. Back in the days I also used to be on livejournal, skyblog, cowblog (oh yeah that existed hahaha), wordpress, and all kind of ready made blog hosting websites, so I had thought of maybe going back over there. You know, at the golden age of rss lol. Anyway, as I was talking, Eko told me about digital gardening.

That immediately caught my attention. I've taken web lessons quite a long time ago, and I do remember a bit how to code. So making a website wasn't something unfamiliar at all. I've actually made quite a few websites with html/css in my late teens, for various subjects (pixel art, fanfiction about my friend's rpg characters, the japanese band Kishidan, the japanese band AXS, weird japanese music…… There's a trend here hahaha). So you know what? Maybe that was a sign that I should start a digital garden.

Here we are, welcome to my crypt!

What content will be here

I make all kind of arts! I draw, crochet, knit, cross stitch, cook, do nail art, craft items… So you'll be able to find what I make in my day to day life on this website.

I also like to write quite a lot. I don't write essays, but writing is how I'm most comfortable expressing myself. Some people express themselves in art, but for me, prose is the way to go. I like to talk about a lot of things, so it will probably be a lot of rambling about different niche topics. Those could be:

  • Bugs
  • Food
  • Linguistics
  • Music
  • Art
  • Web and open source material
  • Declarations of love to my friends
  • Skeletons
  • Series
  • So yeah, I'm quite the nerd and I can't stop yapping lol. Stay tuned for a lot of words about a whole lot of nothing!

    What is a digital garden

    As my undenstanding goes, it's going back to static websites and catering to your website as you would to a garden. Opposed to blogs where everything has a timestamp and is in chronological order, in a digital garden everything is re-arranged, re-written as much as the author wishes to.

    I would still like people to be able to easily access what has been recently updated, hence the section on the left! (Made with iframes…… ooooohhh!! I AM NOT SORRY, I AM TOO LAZY TO LEARN HOW TO CODE BY MODERN DAY STANDARDS AND MY WAY STILL WORKS LEAVE ME ALONE)